Warnings: onlookers at risk, the suspect observation instrument is watching you

Publié le par sduggs15.over-blog.com

A is used to detect the crowd from the surrounding population algorithm suspected by the U.S. Department of Computer Science University of Notre Dame, Indiana,Nike Air Max Skyline the comrades fiddle out, and in the future as long as the suspects returned to the crime scene after committing the crime, he is likely to be detected.

This detection method uses facial recognition software video from the scene of the crowds will be identified each person, and then extract the facial features (video is dynamic,  Nike Air Structure Triax can be extracted from more information than static images). These facial features into a database and compared'll be able to know exactly who the crowd surrounding the crime scene on the enthusiasm of God to the suspect. The most important point is: this method can be applied to almost all video! Whether closed-circuit monitor, mobile phone or shoot down the masses to get Internet video transmission, detection can be used.

In fact, we do not worry, this method should only really no clue it is brought out with use,  Nike Air Max Turbulence after all, not every criminal has come back after the crowd after finishing the habit. Besides, the people are not killing me, afraid of? But having said that, even if the person is a soft pillow, and do not crowd too ... ... if the police see that each murder has a faint smile goes your big face, there is no guarantee you will not have some unnecessary character ideas.

# I remember someone sent me a boring map map, is a seemingly ubiquitous dog? I wonder if this method can not detect a dog face  Nike Air Max TN
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